Thank you for getting this information out. Exposure is so important. You can find the whole testimony on S2 ( here:
The informed consent and quarantine/isolation language in the bill are identical to that of S54 ( The authors of that bill sat down with Simmer to "hash out language" to create a "passable bill." There are concerns with that bill that are not being addressed by the authors. Here is another article of concern on bill S54:
Oh My God! Does Senator Kimbrell realize he sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher? Surely, he has a close friend or family member who can tell him he talks too much. Even if I agreed with him I could stand about 20 seconds with that man.
Josh has come a long way from the grassroots in recent years. I guess this is considered success in Columbia. His attitude is not serving his constituents nor himself well now that the grassroots are fed up with being treated as subjects. Interrupting one's employer has consequences.
Thank you for getting this information out. Exposure is so important. You can find the whole testimony on S2 ( here:
The informed consent and quarantine/isolation language in the bill are identical to that of S54 ( The authors of that bill sat down with Simmer to "hash out language" to create a "passable bill." There are concerns with that bill that are not being addressed by the authors. Here is another article of concern on bill S54:
To be blunt; HE IS AN ASS!
Oh My God! Does Senator Kimbrell realize he sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher? Surely, he has a close friend or family member who can tell him he talks too much. Even if I agreed with him I could stand about 20 seconds with that man.
Josh has come a long way from the grassroots in recent years. I guess this is considered success in Columbia. His attitude is not serving his constituents nor himself well now that the grassroots are fed up with being treated as subjects. Interrupting one's employer has consequences.