How the Conspicuously Gay "Conservation Voters of South Carolina" are Working with Republicans Like Scott Talley, Patrick Haddon, and Others to Destroy South Carolina in the Name of Equity
The United Nation's Plan for Net-Zero by 2050 is Being Implemented by CVSC
The Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC), an organization that deems itself to be “South Carolina’s advocate for air, land, and water” has recently declared that it has spent over $1.5 million in support of political candidates since 2016. In its public letter titled “CVSC Releases 2024 General Election Endorsements for Conservation Champions”, the organization shows its endorsement of 14 House candidates and 10 Senate Candidates which includes the endorsements of Republican Representative Micah Caskey, Republican Senator Chip Campsen, and Republican Senator Tom Davis.
How does a candidate go about getting an endorsement from the CVSC? To gather information from a candidate in 2024, the CVSC used a document titled “CVSC - 2024 Candidate Feedback Form”. The form includes 37 questions and one of those questions include a question about transitioning to 100% clean energy by 2050 which can be seen below.
Why would the CVSC be using the year 2050? It’s because the United Nations is advocating for emissions to be reduced to net zero by 2050.
Further along in the survey, question number 24 asks whether the candidate supports state investment in public and private land protection through the Conservation Bank, State Parks, DNR, and other state agencies.
Why would it be important for the CVSC to get candidates elected that will support public investment going into the state’s Conservation Bank? That’s because the South Carolina Conservation Bank is used to transfer money for the purpose of bribing landowners so that they will give up their property rights for land easements. Land easements are perpetual and stop future buyers from being able to get full use out of their land. Land easements play right into the hands of the communists as the Communist Manifesto advocates for the abolition of property rights.
As you can see below, the Conservation Bank has a lot of money to spend. To this date, they have spent have almost $300 million on almost 400 thousand acres! That’s a lot of South Carolina land that can not be purchased by future generations for full land use. By being such a large buyer in the market, the Conservation Bank is also driving up the prices of farm land which stifles the ability for young South Carolina families to make the move to become large land owners.
Republican Senator Scott Talley is in Cahoots with the CVSC
Eight years after their victory, CVSC is still tooting its horn on its “success” of defeating Senator Lee Bright and replacing him with Senator Scott Talley.
Below you can see Senator Scott Talley standing next to CVSC’s President John Tynan. The Facebook post from June 28th, 2016, said that “Talley called CVSC “an unstoppable force”. Tonight, conservation won.”
One day after the Facebook post, The Greenville News posted this on Facebook citing that, “The Conservation Voters of South Carolina said it knocked on 21,100 doors, made 7,500 phone calls, dropped 120,000 pieces of mail and spent more than $90,000 trying to unseat state Sen. Lee Bright.”
Almost seven years after the 2016 victory, the CVSC posted on Facebook on how Senator Scott Talley deserved a round of applause for introducing the Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act (S. 779). The Energy Independence and Risk Reduction Act was meant to constrain South Carolina into going along with the United Nations plan for Net Zero by 2050. Thankfully, the bill never made it onto the Senate floor.
Senator Scott Talley did not run for re-election this election season but without a doubt his final legacy as a Senator will be that he tried to sell South Carolinians out to the satanic globalists who would like to see South Carolinians live under the foot of communism. When graded on how he voted according to American principles and the U.S. Constitution, Senator Talley scored a dismal 23% cumulative score on The New American’s South Carolina Legislative Scorecard. A Republican Senator should be expected to score 100% to honor his oath to obey the U.S. Constitution, however, a score below 70% is completely failing and unacceptable.
Republican Representative Patrick Haddon and Jason Elliott Are Doing the CVSC’s Bidding
In April of this year, Governor Henry McMaster signed the Working Agriculture Lands Preservation Act into law. The bill passed the House 100-7 and in the Senate 46-0. In Gov. McMaster’s press release on April 23rd, it stated that, “The legislation creates the Working Farmland Protection Fund that will help landowners preserve working agricultural lands through voluntary conservation easements.”
What does the act do? In simple terms the act takes money from South Carolina citizens, sends the money to the S.C. Conservation Bank, and then bribes land owners to put conservation easements on their property. Pure communism.
The Burr & Forman law firm posted an article titled “South Carolina Enacts Key Tax Credits to Boost Economic Development Efforts” which said this about the new South Carolina Workforce Farmland Protection Fund:
“Conservation easements are a common limitation on the way land can be used, ensuring the land remains used for agricultural purposes. Because easements transfer with the sale of the land, conservation easements effectively protect farmland in perpetuity by ensuring any land sold with a conservation easement must continue to be used as farmland. The fund created by the Act will compensate eligible farmers up to 50% of the value of their conservation easement. To receive the fund, eligible farmers must relinquish their development rights by putting their land in a conservation easement. The farmers retain ownership of the property, but should they choose to sell in the future, the property must remain farmland.”
The State Representative getting credit for the creation of South Carolina Workforce Farmland Protection Fund is Republican State Representative Patrick Haddon. In the Facebook post below, the CVSC gave Patrick full credit for his leadership on this bill.
State Representative Patrick Haddon (pictured on the left below) has a close ally, Rep. Jason Elliott (pictured on the right below), that is also an advocate for the CVSC.
What could cause Rep. Jason Elliott to be such an advocate for an organization that is advocating for the destruction of property rights and net-zero emissions by 2050? Could it be that he lacks empathy for future generations? Lacking empathy for future generations is a common theme amongst those who are proud of their homosexual behavior.
Below, you can see a photo where Rep. Jason Elliott is eating lunch at the CVSC’s 16th Annual Green Tie Awards Luncheon.
The CVSC is Conspicuously Gay and Marxist
The CVSC’s 2024 Green Tie Awards Sponsorship banner featured a top sponsor, energeRE.
A few days ago on X, energyRE posted that it celebrates the LGBTQIA+ community and that they were “proud to stand as allies to our colleagues, friends, and families as we work together toward an equitable future.” An equitable future means that they want equal outcomes for everybody, a communist or marxist ideal.
One of their other top three sponsors for the Green Tie Awards, OceanaGold Corporation, recently posted on X the image below which includes the hashtag #EmbraceEquity. So now we know that two of the top three sponsors of the 2024 Annual Green Tie Awards embraces marxist ideology.
On April 23rd of this year, the CVSC posted a couple of pictures on Facebook of their Partnerships & Engagement Manager, Evan Renshaw, as he was working the CVSC booth at the Charleston Unitarian Church’s Earth Day Festival.
When browsing through Renshaw’s Facebook newsfeed one can see that on January 1st, of 2020, he posted this photo on Facebook of himself embracing another guy as if they were a couple.
And then there is Tyler Mason, the CVSC’s Lowcountry Political Manager. Tyler writes at the bottom of his biography that he and “his husband Taylor live in Charleston, SC and love to travel, try new restaurants and spend time with friends and family.”
A picture of Tyler and his “husband” can be viewed below.
The photos of CVSC employees Evan Renshaw and Tyler Mason speak for themselves. The CVSC has quite the LGBTQ+ thing going on right now.
How We Can Stop the Marxist and Conspicuously Gay CVSC
It’s obvious where the CVSC wants to take us and it’s even more apparent when you review their parent organization’s website. The LCV (League of Conservation Voters) has over 30 state affiliates, one being the CVSC. On their “About Us” page the LCV boasts about their commitment to equity.
The word equity is codeword for communism which makes sense as the Marxists many decades ago made the decision to implement communism by the means of Climate Action.
We can stop them by calling out the Republicans that are supporting LCV’s evil agenda and letting them know that we are aware of what CVSC is up to.
Please call the following Republican Representatives in South Carolina now. Each of them below either has been endorsed or supported in some way by CVSC.
Lastly, call your own State Representative and State Senator and let them know that it is time to end the S.C. Conservation Bank. The bank serves one purpose and that is to implement the United Nations Agenda 2030 strategy to destroy the individual rights of land ownership.
For more information about the United Nations Agenda 2030 strategy, please watch this video.
You know we have our suspicions of who is “gay” in the South Carolina Freedom Caucus and in their group of dedicated supporters.