A Look Back: Did Trey Gowdy's Ties To The Deep State Cause Him To Act Cowardly During The Benghazi Hearings?
Few People Knew Back Then That Gowdy Had Been Tied To The Globalists Through Membership In The Aspen Institute
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ~ Ephesians 6:12
While Fox News Host and Former Congressman Trey Gowdy appears to be on the “conservative” side, Americans are starting to notice that the topics he discusses are often quite bland. How is it that a gifted debater like Trey Gowdy has chosen the sideline the past few years when it has come to so many important topics that Americans are passionate about such as Jeffrey Epstein, Project MKUltra, DEI, autism, the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines, unconstitutional wars, etc? Has Gowdy been out-of-touch or does he just remain loyal to those that he’s committed his allegiance to?
When Gowdy completed his final term in Congress, Gowdy announced that he was going to go back to his previous law firm, Nelson Mullins. From the Greenville News on January 3rd, 2018 (CLICK HERE TO READ), Eric Connor wrote:
“Gowdy will head the white-collar defense and government investigations team at the firm - which has offices coast to coast and features political heavy hitters in its ranks, including former S.C. Gov. and U.S. Secretary of Education Dick Riley and former U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins.”
Two and a half years after starting his work for Nelson Mullins, Greenville Business Magazine announced on August 12, 2020, that both Trey Gowdy and David Wilkins (CLICK HERE TO READ) received the “2020 Legal Elite of the Upstate” for their work in the category of government.
David Wilkins is a Co-Chair of the South Carolina Advisory Committee for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (CLICK HERE TO READ), an organization advised by many members of the neocon warmongering Globalist organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). (CLICK HERE TO LEARN ABOUT THE CFR)
Below you can see the Advisory Council members for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition. Out of the 50 members the advisory council, 28 of them are members of the CFR. Also worth noting is that Rick Santorum is a Senior Advisor for the Convention of States Project (CLICK HERE TO VIEW) and Tom Ridge, Mike Rogers, and Robert Zoellick are all tied to the Globalist Atlantic Council (CLICK HERE TO VIEW).
Trey Gowdy’s Ties to the Masonic “Brotherhood” Aspen Institute
In our previous article titled “South Carolina’s Liberty Fellowship: a State Chapter of the Masonic Aspen Institute?” (CLICK HERE TO READ), we showed the links between the Aspen Institute and South Carolina Liberty Fellowship organization. Gowdy is a 2007 graduate of the Liberty Fellowship.
In 2010, the current Managing Partner of Nelson Mullins, Jim Lehman, became a graduate of Liberty Fellowship.
In our recent article titled, “How the Conspicuously Gay "Conservation Voters of South Carolina" are Working with Republicans Like Scott Talley, Patrick Haddon, and Others to Destroy South Carolina in the Name of Equity (CLICK HERE TO READ),” we showed how the Conservation Voters of South Carolina area ushering in Globalist communism into South Carolina. The image below shows that Nelson Mullins was an Olive level sponsor for the 2024 Green Tie Awards Luncheon, an annual fundraiser for the Conservation Voters of South Carolina. All in all, Gowdy’s “brother” in Liberty Fellowship who also is the Managing Partner of Nelson Mullins, the law firm Gowdy went to work for when he left Congress, seems to be funding the scheme to destroy South Carolina for the cause of equity (communism).
Now, Gowdy no longer works directly for Nelson Mullins as he now has it posted on TreyGowdy.com that he works for himself at Trey Gowdy Law Firm. That being said, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that he shares masonic Liberty Fellowship ties with current managing partner of Nelson Mullins. We are not sure if Gowdy still works with Nelson Mullins on cases but it often happens that a lawyer will send law work to his former law firm after becoming an independent lawyer.
Liberty Fellowship is a subgroup of the Aspen Institute and one doesn’t get listed on the Aspen Institute’s website unless they’ve taken the step to advance from Liberty Fellowship to the Aspen Institute’s masonic organization. Below it can be seen that Gowdy is a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network (CLICK HERE TO VIEW):
The late and very well respected U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (NC-R) once said this about the Aspen Institute:
“A careful examination of what is happening behind the scenes reveals that all of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a new world order. Private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, THE ASPEN INSTITUTE FOR HUMANISTIC STUDIES, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and official circles.”
Gowdy’s Former Campaign Team Is Tied With The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
Shown below, you can see that the South Carolina Advisory Committee for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (CLICK HERE TO READ) has on it’s committee list Luke Byars. He is a Senior Partner for First Tuesday Strategies, a campaign organization that boasts of its ties with neocon warmonger U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham.
On the team of First Tuesday Strategies is Matt Moore, a former Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party.
Below you can see a tweet by Matt Moore where he said he was honored to have received a USGLC Global Citizen Award with Jaime Harrison, the current Chair of the Democrat National Committee. A few months later, Matt accepted a job working as the Director of Strategic Initiatives for the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (CLICK HERE TO READ).
Below you can see a list of past and present client of First Tuesday Strategies. Located just below “Trey Gowdy for Congress” is the Globalist organization “US Global Leadership Coalition”.
Gowdy Currently Gets A Paycheck from Fox News, a Deep State Entity
It has become well known to patriotic Republicans that Fox News’s duty is to move patriotic Americans to the left as the organization brands itself as conservative while pushing a neocon Globalist agenda (i.e. preemptive unconstitutional wars, more socialism in the US, policing the world). The Fox News organization was founded by Rupert Murdoch, a longtime member of the Globalist warmongering CFR. It is unknown to us how much Gowdy makes working for Fox News but what is known is that 40% of Fox News is still owned by the Rupert Murdoch Family (CLICK HERE TO READ). Today, James Murdoch, a son of Rupert Murdoch has a membership with the CFR and has has also been a big donor to the Clinton Foundation (CLICK HERE TO READ).
It should also be noted that Rupert Murdoch’s family has made a fortune in the porn industry and accepting a paycheck from the Murdoch family in any way, including if it comes from Fox News, is morally wrong as it’s comparable to receiving a paycheck from Mexican drug cartels. The article below, titled, Berlusconi vs. Murdoch: Porn as a Pawn (CLICK HERE TO READ), provides just a sliver on what Rupert Murdoch was involved in when gaining his massive fortune.
Fumbling the Ball on Benghazi, Why Did Gowdy Act so Cowardly?
Probably the most troubling part of Gowdy’s tenure in Congress, was his failure as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi to assign blame or to put anybody behind bars for the disaster that happened in Benghazi. Gowdy’s Committee’s 800-page report was extremely disappointing to concerned Americans that wanted to at least see one person locked behind bars for the tragedy.
Gowdy was even prideful when it came to his committee’s report. As reported by Lindsey McPherson of Roll Call (CLICK HERE TO READ), Gowdy even said this about his committee’s 800-page report, “I’m actually proud of what we found and I think it’s new.”
Concerned American citizens were so disappointed in Gowdy’s committee that they created their own report (CLICK HERE TO VIEW) that did assign blame and that also included glaring facts overlooked by Gowdy’s committee.
In the Executive Summary of their report, the Citizens’ Commission wrote (as shown below) that due to an “unsettling sense neither the Congressional Committees, the state Department’s Accountability Review Board (ARB), the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), nor even Representative Trey Gowdy’s (R-SC) Select Committee on Benghazi would report these events in a way that was fully accurate and complete.”
At the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi Press Conference which took place a day after Gowdy’s Committee’s 800-page report was released, Roger Aronoff said:
“We also have the issues of how they tampered with the talking points that ended up going to Susan Rice and it was kind of interesting yesterday Bret Baier was interviewing Gowdy last night and he said well you were prepared you said Susan Rice made this stuff up out of whole cloth but when it comes to talking about Hillary Clinton you won’t say she lied. And he was very reluctant to be critical of Hillary and Obama and this really is a scandal as far as we are concerned.”
In conclusion, the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi had to create an accurate report because Gowdy’s Committee was not willing to state the obvious truths. Was Gowdy involved in a cover up? Was Gowdy not smart enough to get to the truth? Was Gowdy too tied to the Deep State to do what was right?
Why didn’t Gowdy provide a thorough report so Americans understood what actually happened in Libya? It was known by Roger Aronoff (as stated at the Bengazi Press Conference) that long before the Benghazi attack, the President of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, had tried to negotiate abdication under the white flag of truths. While Gaddafi was the leader of Libya, the American government under Obama and Clinton had been transporting weapons to al-Qaeda groups in Libya in order to create a Libyan civil war shortly after the Obama-backed Arab Spring.
At the time, a loyal America with common sense would have concluded that Clinton and Obama had criminally created a disaster in Libya for the purpose of giving Libya to an extreme group of Islamists. It has even been alleged that the reason America had people stationed in Libya just before the Benghazi attack was so that they could run military weapons to rebels in Syria in order to topple Bashar al-Assad’s government. Today, we know that many of the Syrian rebels who were allegedly given U.S. weapons from Benghazi were members of ISIS (CLICK HERE TO READ). More can be learned about this by watching The Arming of Benghazi (CLICK HERE TO WATCH)which ironically was created by Fox News.
All in all, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed and family members are still disappointed in the outcome of Gowdy’s Committee. We spoke to the uncle of Information Officer Sean Smith (one of the four killed in Benghazi), Michael Ingmire, who said this:
“Trey Gowdy is an unrepentant coward for not completing his duty as the Chairman of the Benghazi Select Committee. He never confronted the destructive Democrats like Elijah Cummings and Adam Schiff who were disruptive to the process of seeking the truth. He handled Hillary Clinton with gentle gloves. It should have been Jim Jordan as Chairman of the Select Committee as he was actually willing to to confront Hillary Clinton over the fact that she lied.”
Many Americans are still unaware of Gowdy’s fake loyalism to America but, by sharing this article, more can learn about Gowdy’s connections to the Deep State.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14